Bingo Night Guidelines
Bingo games will start at 7:00 pm.
You must be present to win. This is true for all drawings unless otherwise specified.
You must wear your convention badge and only registered attendees and registered guest attendees may play.
There is a one time $10 fee per person to play Friday Night Bingo. This must be paid in cash that evening.
All monies collected that evening will be awarded as at least one coverall prize. (The number of coveralls to be played will be determined by the number of players)
There will be 5 bingo games played and then the coverall finale.
The prize to be awarded for each game will be announced prior to the start of the game.
Games will be played on paper bingo cards and using crayons for marking your numbers.
No daubers will be needed but you are welcome to bring your own dauber if desired.